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About Farm 47

After the First Frost

There's a lot of work and a lot of love in every inch of soil and every bloom here on the farm. The work doesn't stop just because the days are short and the weather's cold. Here's a look behind the scenes of how all of the beauty gets created even in the off-season.

My deepest thanks for Zong Moua at Cameo Street Productions for dreaming up and creating this film. 

The Farmer

Hi! I'm Jessica. I love bold colors, nerdy plant talk, and my dog Max. My favorite place to be is anywhere working with or talking about plants. From studying Landscape Architecture at UNM to teaching sustainable growing methods in the Controlled Environmental Agriculture program at the Santa Fe Community College, I have dabbled in all kinds of growing methods with many types of plants. After 5 years growing hydroponically in an indoor vertical farm, I am dedicating myself to cultivating flowers. As a recovering perfectionist, I work hard to enjoy the beauty of the process and focus on learning instead of getting everything "right". So come along for the ride! Find me at the Downtown Grower's Market on Saturday mornings from 8a - 12p, the Rail Yards Market on Sunday mornings from 8a - 2p, or drop me a line to see the "farm" or chat about plants.

The Farm

Whether you call it a farm, garden, or backyard, my little piece of the universe began as a generic suburban in 2016. Less than a 1/4 acre, I am very intentional with my space and employ a lot of creativity to make it bountiful. I have spent years transforming dirt to soil and encouraging all manner of life back to this space. I use organic and regenerative practices which means you might receive an insect or spider with your bouquet but that is just part of keeping the system alive! Follow me on Instagram to see the continual transformation of this humble piece of land.
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